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Underground Storage Tank Clean-Up


Residential Home Heating Oil Tanks

The installation and use of residential home heating oil tanks serving four or fewer units are not regulated by DEEP. However, any contamination resulting from these tanks, including the clean-up of such contamination is regulated.  There is no DEEP funding for residential USTs.  Any costs associated with maintenance and eventual removal of residential USTs, including costs for remediation, should be considered when purchasing residential real estate.

Residential Fuel Oil Tanks

Other Underground Storage Tanks

Non-residential underground storage tanks, including those for oil, petroleum and chemical liquids, are regulated by DEEP.  Releases from such tanks must be reported to DEEP and remediation must be performed.  UST owners and operators are responsible for maintenance, testing, and eventual removal of their USTs and must demonstrate financial responsibility for releases from their USTs.

The UST Petroleum Clean-up Program has been mostly phased out.  The deadline for application has passed.  No funding is available. 

Reporting Spills/Releases

Sampling and Analytical Methods for Underground Storage Tank Closure

UST Regulations

Remediation Standard Regulations

General Site Clean-up Information

Content last updated December 14, 2016