Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
Planning a UST Removal?
Please use the fillable form, Notification of Scheduled Permanent Closure of USTs and send to DEEP.30DayUST@ct.gov.
Reminder: Notice is required 30 days PRIOR to removal.
Also please be aware that Notification using is still required no later than 30 days after removal of the UST is complete.
Note: The owner of a site, where a UST System was last used by a prior owner or operator, may request an exception to the use of ezFile for notification of UST closure provided the following terms and conditions are met:
Eligibility Criteria
The UST System must:
- have been used for the storage of heating oil for on-site consumption only;
- not have been used to power an emergency generator;
- have been permanently closed by a prior owner or operator;
- have been removed from the ground or permanently closed in-place in accordance with R.C.S.A 22a-449(d)-1(k).
If the eligibility criteria has been met, please complete and submit the Heating Oil UST Reporting Exemption Request Form and attach any supporting documentation that demonstrates the UST System was permanently closed.
Alternate Life Expectancy for Certain Underground Storage Tanks
On May 24, 2017, pursuant to section 22a-449(d)-1(h)(3) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA), the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection issued an Approval of an Alternative Life Expectancy for Underground Storage Tanks Used Solely for Storage of Heating Oil for On-Site Consumption (Second Approval). For underground storage tanks (USTs) subject to RSCA section 22a-22a-449(d)-1, that satisfy eligibility criteria and certain terms and conditions, this Second Approval extends the life expectancy of a tank to forty (40) years from the date of installation. Prior to this second approval most USTs had a life expectancy of 30 years.
Notification to the department is not required at this time.
FOR PETROLEUM USTS NOT USED FOR HEATING OIL FOR ON-SITE CONSUMPTIONOn June 22, 2016, pursuant to section 22a-449(d)-111(d) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA), the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection issued an Approval of an Alternative Life Expectancy For Certain Underground Storage Tanks (Approval). For underground storage tanks (USTs) subject to RSCA section 22a-22a-449(d)-101 et seq., that satisfy eligibility criteria and certain terms and conditions, this Approval extends the life expectancy of a tank to forty (40) years from the date of installation. Prior to this approval most USTs had a life expectancy of 30 years.
Notification to the department is required. Eligible USTs that meet the terms and conditions of the Approval must send a Notice of Alternate Life Expectancy for USTs to the department. Also available in PDF.
If you need assistance in determining if your UST’s are eligible for this extension, or it is in your interest to meet and maintain the terms and conditions to maintain eligibility, it is recommended you consult with your UST equipment service provider, fuel supplier, or industry group.
Paperless Forms are Required with DEEP's ezFile!
First Time Users:
Set up User Accounts with usernames and passwords
(Creating your ezFile Acct Tutorial) for-
Class A and Class B Operators
Tank Installers.
Create a Subscriber Agreement (SA) electronically in ezFile. (SA Tutorial)
Print Subscriber Agreement (SA).
Get "wet" signatures on Subscriber Agreement. (Owner/Operator and any Subscribers)
Mail Subscriber Agreement to DEEP and wait for email approval.
Complete your Notifications and have them ready to file beginning August 1st.
Returning Users:
Log into ezFile with your username and password.
Select approved facility filings and renew, making any required changes.
Create new filings for facilities not previously submitted through ezFile.
Submit Notification and Fee Payment between August 1st and October 10th.
For questions or assistance regarding ezFile, please contact the Storage Tank & PCB Enforcement Unit at 860-424-3374 or e-mail deep.USTEnforcement@ct.gov
Public Act No. 15-1 requires all communication with the DEEP to be electronic. An exception must be granted by DEEP for any paper notification. This exception must be requested by completing the Hardship Request form, DEEP-UST-Paper Filing-Hardship Request Form.
UST Notification, Compliance and Release Prevention
Content last updated December 2019