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Financing Options for Energy Management Projects

Future Solicitations

The state does not intend to renew contract #12PSX0153, which is currently used to qualify energy service providers for Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs).  We do not have a current time schedule for re-opening such a solicitation, though that is a possibility for the future.  We continue to invest in energy efficiency upgrades at state facilities as funding allows. 

The most expedient thing to do for any company that wishes to provide energy saving goods and services to state facilities is to register on the DAS portal to receive notices of contracting opportunities.  See the CT DAS BizNet pages regarding doing business with the State of Connecticut:

The following options are for Connecticut State Agencies to complete energy improvement projects at their buildings and facilities. For municipalities seeking tools and resources on energy efficiency and other sustainable measures, please visit Sustainable CT.

Option 1: Utility-Administered Programs


Utility-Administered Project Enrollment Form

Utility-administered programs provide turnkey project management alongside rebates, incentives, and strategic technical assistance for energy efficiency upgrades. Utility-administered programs also offer on-bill repayment, eliminating the need for up front capital investment.

Option 2: Bond Funding

Bond Fund Project Request Form

Bond-funded projects require going out to bid with state-approved contractors. Bond funding is best for projects such as lighting, rooftop unit replacements, boiler/chiller replacements, window replacements, building automation controls or EMS controls.

For more information on how the Bond Funding Program works, please see the Standardized Operating Procedures.

See previously approved projects. Funding priority is for agencies that do not have alternate funding sources available for these types of capital improvement projects.

Please submit completed forms as an e-mail attachment to Forms will be reviewed as they are received. If you need more information or assistance with the application, please email us.

Energy Savings Performance Contract

Visit Energize CT to explore more energy efficiency solutions.

Content last updated on January 2020