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Osborne Homestead Museum Gardens

Derby, Connecticut
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday
12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Sunday May through October

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's Kellogg Estate is landscaped with formal flower gardens, ornamental shrubs, and flowering trees, providing an endless pageant of color from spring through autumn.

OHM Garden


Main Gardens

Bloom Times




Main Gardens

Front Formal Garden This Colonial Revival style garden dates back to 1911 and has five main flower beds filled with various annuals and perennials.  Knockout rose trees and gomphrena are among the colorful flowers that fill the four rectangular beds, which surround a circular bed containing ornamental kale and tall ageratum.  Daylilies, Siberian and bearded irises, peonies, yucca, and globe thistle are among the potpourri of perennials along the perimeter.

Rose Garden The rose garden contains four rectangular beds that are planted with knockout rose bushes, and annual salvia surrounded by a boxwood border.  The perimeter beds consist of hybrid tea roses, astilbes, turtleheads, foxglove and ferns that add to the garden's lush and vibrant beauty.

Rose Garden 


Rock Garden Tucked behind the rose garden is a lovely rock garden, featuring dwarf conifers and perennials. Annuals add splashes of color throughout the year.  Iris, lavender, bleeding heart, and rose campion are among the prerennials in this garden.

Rock Garden Photo







Butterfly Garden
The butterfly garden contains a variety of plants that attract and feed butterflies. The bold colors of this garden attract many visitors  and other pollinators in addition to butterflies. Visit this garden and see how you can landscape your yard to attract wildlife. Some of the plants in this garden include yarrow, bee-balm, columbine, butterfly weed, and black-eyed Susans, dogbane, spicebush, and coneflower.

Bloom Times

Each visit to the Kellogg gardens will reward you with a new, colorful display of flowers. You can time your visit to see your favorite blooms and blossoms or to see some new ones. 

April crocuses, forsythia, Japanese Andromeda, scilla, snowdrops, witch-hazel
May azaleas, bleeding heart, crabapple trees, daffodils, dogwoods, lilacs, magnolias, perennial salvia, Quince, rhododendrons, wisteria, wood hyacinths
June annuals, astilbes, bleeding heart, columbine, coneflower, coreopsis, cotoneaster, crane's bill, daisies, false blue indigo, foxglove, helenium, irises, Joe pye weed, kalimeris, lavender, meadowsweet, peonies, perennial salvia, potentilla, rose campion, roses, valerian, wisteria, wood betony

Rose Photo

July annuals, astilbes, bee-balm, coneflower, coreopsis, cosmos, crane's-bill, daisies, daylilies, globe thistle, helenium, hydrangeas, Joe pye weed, kalimeris, meadowsweet, perennial salvia, phlox, rose campion, rose of sharon, sweet pepperbush, wood betony, yucca
August annuals, asters, butterfly bush, butterfly weed, coneflower, coreopsis, crane's bill, daisies, daylilies, helenium, kalimeris, perennial salvia, Russian sage, turtleheads

annuals, asters, black-eyed Susans, coneflower, coreopsis, crane's-bill, daisies, helenium, kalimeris, perennial salvia, sedum

Professional Photographs

The Kellogg Estate gardens provide lovely and romantic scenery for wedding pictures.  Many people enjoy having their photographs taken in the formal gardens.  Please be aware of the regulations and requirements for using the Estate grounds.   

peonies in front of house








Content Last Updated August 21, 2017