Kellogg Environmental Center
Derby, Connecticut
Contact Us and Directions
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday

The Kellogg Environmental Center is a place for teachers, students, families and community leaders to learn about and experience the natural environment.
General Public: As part of the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, the Kellogg Environmental Center offers workshops, exhibits, nature activities, and lectures for the general public. Through hands-on programs, families can enjoy learning about nature and the environment. Throughout the year, the Center offers special weekend programs, nature walks, and family workshops.
Teachers: The Kellogg Environmental Center offers a variety of educator workshops on a wide variety of environmental topics. In addition, the Center facilitates workshops on award-winning, national environmental curricula including Project Learning Tree; Project WILD; Project WET; Project FeederWatch; Aquatic WILD; and Food, Land and People. Environmental education workshops and student activities are correlated to the state and national curriculum standards.
Students: The Kellogg Environmental Center's inquiry-based field studies cover many topics and are appropriate for students in grades four through twelve.
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Content Last Updated July 2019