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Wildlife Monitoring Projects

Bluebird Photo

The Department of Environmental Protection's Kellogg Environmental Center offers several wildlife monitoring projects. These projects not only educate the public about wildlife issues, but also contribute data to wide-scale research projects. Join us!

Project FeederWatch

Citizens across the U.S. and Canada are counting birds at their bird feeding stations to help ornithologists (bird biologists) to answer questions about the behavior of winter feeder bird populations and to learn more about their habitat needs. The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology sponsors the project and receives the data from over ten thousand volunteers. Every other Friday and Saturday during the winter and early spring, trained volunteers assist us with this nationwide winter bird monitoring project. The Center provides an informational program and training workshop each fall for families and interested individuals. Visit our Center and see our bird feeding station for yourself. For information about the national program, visit the national Project FeederWatch website.

Bluebird & Purple Martin Nest Box Monitoring
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's NestWatch program studies breeding bird populations.  Volunteers monitor and collect data on bluebird and purple martin nest boxes located on the grounds of the Kellogg Estate and Osbornedale State Park.  The Kellogg Environmental Center offers training and an opportunity for individuals,  home schools, and retirees to participate in this project. For information about the national program, visit the national NestWatch website. 

If you are interested in participating in one of these programs, please call the Kellogg Environmental Center at (203) 734-2513.

Content Last Updated October 2019