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Comments on Federal Actions

Archived Comment Letters

In an effort to ensure that federal actions are responsive to our state's needs and concerns, DEEP submits comments to EPA on proposed federal actions that impact the air quality of Connecticut, the Northeast and the entire United States.  EPA provides a number of tools for you to track and participate in the development of new regulations, and to learn how to comply with existing regulations.  Links to current comments on federal actions can be found on the Comments on Federal Actions webpage.

The comments below have been submitted to EPA by DEEP on various federal rules.  (All documents are in pdf format unless noted otherwise.)


Objection to Delay of Designations for the 2015 Ozone Standard  June 20, 2017

Connecticut's Comments on Evaluation of Existing Regulations, Executive Order 13777   May 15, 2017

Notice of Availability of the Environmental Protection Agency's Preliminary Interstate Ozone Transport Modeling Data for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)   April 6, 2017

Proposed Rule - Implementation of the 2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Nonattainment Area Classifications and State Implementation Plan Requirements  February 10, 2017 





Comments Submitted to EPA on the Proposed Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR) Rule   August 5, 2013


Comments submitted to EPA on Proposed Utility NESHAP July 12, 2011:



Attachment: NEEDS Version 4.10  October 14, 2010 (EXCEL)

Proposed Transport Rule  September 30, 2010



No documents available





Comments Submitted to EPA on Stage II Vapor Recovery/ORVR

Content Last Updated on October 22, 2019