Anti-Idling Efforts at Connecticut Schools
Monitoring studies have identified idling time, and more specifically multiple school buses idling while waiting in a line as being a primary exposure pathway for diesel exhaust emissions.
The proximity of school bus drop off and pick up locations allows diesel exhaust to enter school buildings via air intakes, where lower air exchange rates can result in elevated pollution levels for extended periods of time.
Funding and programs have been developed to retrofit school buses in an effort to reduce or eliminate diesel exhaust emissions however, these programs have finite resources and cannot immediately reduce all children's exposure to diesel exhaust.

Therefore, DEEP has embraced anti-idling efforts as a cost-effective way to significantly and immediately reduce exposure to diesel pollution.
The Connecticut Association of School Transportation Officials (COSTA) joined DEEP in recognizing the serious threat diesel exhaust poses to children's health and the quality of the air we all breathe.
DEEP and COSTA collaborated on a Memorandum of Understanding seeking pledges from school bus drivers to turn their engines off upon arriving at their destination.
Commissioner McCarthy Letter to School Superintendents regarding Anti-Idling
Anti-Idling Signs for Schools
All Connecticut school districts are invited to participate in the anti-idling signage program. DEEP has already provided thousands of signs to Connecticut schools. Nearly 80% of Connecticut school districts are participating in the program.
If your school system has not requested signs yet but would like to do so, please complete and submit our Anti-Idling Sign Request Form for Connecticut Schools (Instructions).
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Content Last Updated: January 28, 2020