Housing & Income Data


Connecticut Export, Housing and Income are provided here.

Housing Data

Building Permit Data
The Connecticut Economic Digest Monthly Permit by Town

* The Bureau of Census collects permit information from 104 municipalities on a monthly basis.

** As of 2005, only town-level permit data is reported as the Bureau of Census changed its sampling method and only 128 municipalities will have monthly permit data. Towns with “na” represent annual reporters. 

*** As of 2004, data with towns reporting on a monthly basis.  The remaining towns are coded as “na” for month-over-month comparison.

Annual Housing Permit Data

Annual Demolition Data by Town

Annual Housing Inventory by Town

Annual Construction Report Excel Tables

Related Resources

Income Data

Connecticut per capita income, median household income and median family income at state, county and town level:

Per capita income by regions — CT/NE/US:

U.S. Census 2000 Economic Data


For additional information or questions, contact decd@ct.gov.