Connecticut Information Sharing System - CISS


CISS provides the CJIS stakeholder community with the ability to share information through two basic methods; information dissemination to agencies by way of Workflow Waves (W), and Search Releases (SR) as a by-product of information gathering.


Workflows are sequences of operations that automatically send specific information (for example, arrest details) directly to authorized users based on predefined business rules and security requirements.

From the point in time when an officer makes an arrest, a notice will go out to all of the individuals in the criminal justice systems that are authorized to receive this information. As new information from affected agencies is introduced into the system, authorized users can follow a case from beginning to end, from arrest, incarceration, and court appearances, to prisoner release.


CISS will provide authorized users the ability to search for information in data systems from every participating Connecticut criminal justice agency. Information sources will include local or state law enforcement systems, participating Judicial Branch systems, and the Departments of Correction, Motor Vehicles, Court Support Services Division, and Board of Pardons and Paroles.

For example, if a law enforcement officer enters a vehicle’s license plate number into the CJIS Search screen, the officer will learn whether the car’s registration is current and whether the registered owner is wanted by any agency in Connecticut. Through this or a follow-up search, the officer could learn, among other things, whether the owner:

  • was recently arrested
  • was released from prison
  • is the subject of a Protective Order
  • is registered as a Sex Offender
  • has court cases pending
  • has bail release conditions
  • is on Parole or Probation
  • has a history of violence against police officers

Similarly, the officer could search for information about the vehicle, locations such as street addresses, property at the scene of a crime, and about events such as arrests. The application will also allow for associations to the person whose name is on the registration, such as other people, addresses, events, property, etc