Connecticut Information Sharing System - CISS

Blueprint Project

The CJIS Blueprint Project assessed the current business and technological capabilities of our CJIS partners, helped to identify their future needs and developed a blueprint or plan of action to achieve results.
To help with this initiative, MTG Management Consultants, LLC, or MTG, began its first phase by working with CJIS partners to develop an “As Is” Logical Model view of current information exchanges (i.e., what exists now). Once the current environment, or  "As-Is" Logical Model, was fully mapped out, MTG began phase two, essentially a vision of the future, or where we want to be, called the “To-Be” Logical Model. Together, these two models helped to identify the gaps between where we are and where we want to be; the results of which are included in the "Gap Analysis".
The Gap Analysis was the basis for developing system requirements for the new CJIS Information Sharing System CISS Project.
CJIS Blueprint Project is essentially complete and its deliverables have been met.

See the Communication plan for more information.