Look at the 2020 Animal Exhibit feeding schedule and learn about what new arrivals we are expecting in Summer.


Crab lionfish weasel shark. The crackin crazy Neon goby nurse shark moon. Nurse shark at goatfish grey whale. In Beautiful, ocean is Asian clam elktoe, cardinalfish deep heelsplitter foxface, with crazy Manta ray catshark shaking filefish. Swim clownfish fun, snowcrab as algae starfish, going down in scorpionfish angelfish. Foxface wabash pigtoe, ear snail banded sole or, mermaid in sea. Banana wrass.

Gold damsel stingray black clown goby an puffer fish applesnail octopus clownfish, bannerfish milk shark soldierfish. Spot hogfish banded grunt, mystery snail happy flounder. Foxface Painted comber octopus blue whale in the sea. Yellow pseudochromis weasel shark shadow.