How to Apply for Social Services
Find information on how to apply for services offered by the Department of Social Services.
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Aging and Disability Resources Center
Aging and Disability Resources Centers provide consumers of any age and ability with benefits counseling, person-centered planning to help identify available long and short term services and supports, application assistance and general information and assistance.
Agency: State Unit on AgingAutism Spectrum Disorder - ASD
The Department of Social Services Waiver for Persons with Autism provides home-and community-based services to individuals with autism who do not have an intellectual disability (a full IQ score of 70 or higher).
Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE)
This program provides services to help eligible residents live in the community. Eligible applicants must be 65 years of age or older, be at risk of nursing home placement and meet the program’s financial eligibility criteria. To be at risk of nursing home placement means that the applicant needs assistance with critical needs such as bathing, dressing, eating, taking medications and toileting. CHCPE helps clients continue living at home instead of going to a nursing home. Each applicant’s needs are reviewed to determine if he/she may remain at home with the help of home care services.
Connecticut Tech Act
Helps individuals with disabilities of all ages and all disabilities, as well as family members, employers, educators and other professionals have access to Assistive Technology devices and services.
Agency: Department of Aging and Disability ServicesMembers of the public who want to contact DDS staff members or meet with them can use the directory to find phone numbers for the main and regional offices and directions to all the offices.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesCouncil on Developmental Disabilities
While not a direct service provider, the Council's mission is to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities into their communities through advocacy, capacity building and system change activities in school, work and community life.
Agency: Council on Developmental DisabilitiesCT AHEAD: Association on Higher Education and Disability
CT AHEAD helps high school students with disabilities learn about support programs at different colleges in the state. AHEAD also advocates for the needs of students with disabilities and promotes programs to help them succeed in college.
Agency: Council on Developmental DisabilitiesDeaf and Hard of Hearing Services
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services offers a counseling unit for Connecticut residents who are deaf, hard of hearing, or KODA/CODA (Hearing children or adults of Deaf parents) and their family members and also offers an interpreting unit with certified language interpreting services on a fee for service basis 24/7.
Agency: Department of Aging and Disability ServicesDepartment of Developmental Services (DDS) Provider List
Links to individuals and organizations that provide developmental services.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesDepartment of Developmental Services Providers
A collection of resources and information for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Providers.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesThe department provides links to numerous forms to request services and assess needs and skills.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesDevelopmental Services Video Library
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Production Studio produces informational videos that educate consumers and their families about DDS services and supports. In addition, training videos are produced for agency staff and DDs private providers.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesDevelopmental Support Services
Support is tailored to meet the needs and desires of consumers and their families through various stages of life, from infancy to retirement age.
Agency: Department of Developmental ServicesThe Department administers programs which promote social, physical and economic well-being while providing people with disabilities with opportunities to achieve their full potential for self-direction. The Department works closely with an advisory council comprised primarily of people with disabilities which makes recommendations to improve the planning, development and administration of programs.