Connecticut Troops to Teachers Program
Connecticut Troops to Teachers is a program for all service members and veterans to receive assistance in transitioning to a career in teaching.
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Connecticut Troops to Teachers Program
Learn more about the Connecticut Troops to Teachers Program, focused on transitioning service members and Veterans to a career in teaching.
edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by educator preparation programs (EPPs) to emphasize, support, and measure the skills and knowledge that teacher candidates need from day one to help all students in real classrooms learn.
Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) and Programs in Connecticut
Educator preparation providers (EPP) and programs that are currently approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education.
Educator Preparation Statutory Requirements
Teacher Preparation Statutory Requirements Updated July 12, 2017
The Talent Office has responsibility and oversight for the review and continuing approval of educator preparation programs in Connecticut preparing candidates for state certification.
Certification Reports for Teacher Preparation Programs 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17