Discipline in Schools
Improving student academic and behavior outcomes requires ensuring all students access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioral practices and interventions.
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Guidance and resources for appropriate disciplinary practices in schools including resources regarding educational opportunities for students who have been expelled.
Comprehensive School Counseling
The CT Comprehensive School Counseling Framework is an articulated, sequential kindergarten-through-grade 12 program that is comprehensive in scope, preventative in design, developmental in nature, driven by data, and integral to the school district’s curricula and instructional program.
The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) commitment to public school choice is evident in the five different types of public school choice programming available statewide.
The Open Choice program allows urban students to attend public schools in nearby suburban towns.
The Regional School Choice Office (RSCO), a collaboration of the State Department of Education (SDE), the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC), and the Hartford Public Schools (HPS), operates the regional transportation system that serves the Greater Hartford regional school choice programs: Hartford Region Open Choice; interdistrict magnet schools operated by HPS, CREC, Goodwin College, Bloomfield Public Schools, and East Hartford Public Schools; select Connecticut technical high schools; and the Suffield Regional Agriscience Center.