K-12 Education

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  • About the Collection: K-3 Reading Initiative

    Administration of a reading assessment is mandated for all Connecticut Priority School Districts (PSDs).

  • About the Collection: Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) - Alternate Assessments

    The Performance Office requests that districts document eligibility and registration for student participation in Alternate Assessments. This is done by completing the Learner Characteristics Inventory through the AIR Connecticut Comprehensive Portal – Data Entry Interface (DEI).

  • About the Collection: Noncertified Staff

    CSDE uses the Noncertified Staff application to collect para-professional full-time equivalent (FTE) data in nine instructional and eleven non-instructional categories.

  • About the Collection: PSIS

    The Connecticut State Department of Education uses the Public School Information System (PSIS) to collect data regarding student enrollment throughout the state of Connecticut.

  • About the Collection: Restraint & Seclusion Help Site

    The Restraint and Seclusion database collects compliance data that identifies the frequency of use of physical restraint and/or seclusion and specifies whether the use of such seclusion was in accordance with an individualized education program (IEP) or whether the use of physical restraint or seclusion was an emergency.

  • About the Collection: SEDAC

    SEDAC is used to collect data regarding the provision of special education and related services. The data collected is required to provide measurement of each district’s and the state’s compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA).

  • About the Collection: TCS

    The Teacher-Course-Student (TCS) application collects student, teacher and course data. Analyses of TCS data can greatly inform school and district strategists to increase the college and career readiness of all learners. This data allows districts to make informed decisions about the current state of instruction and learning as well as the ways in which both can be improved, monitored and shared.

  • About the Collection: Test Participation Exceptions

    As a result of the administration of the Smarter Balanced Assessments, the NGSS Science Test, including Connecticut Alternate Science (CTAS), the Connecticut Alternate Assessment (CTAA), the Connecticut SAT School Day, and the English Language Proficiency Assessment, there are several data collections that are used to collect instances where a student may apply for a test participation exception.

  • Academic Office

    Home page of the State Department of Education's Academic Office

  • Additional Communications Tools

    Brochures, handouts, and presentations about how Mastery-Based Learning meets the needs of students and how it is different from traditional education


    AENGLC, more specifically AENGLC rank, is used in determining the state support percentages for reimbursement under adult education, school construction, pupil transportation and health services.

  • Afterschool Programs

    Afterschool programs provide academic enrichment (such as hands-on science or technology programs) and activities to support student learning and development.

  • Afterschool Snack Program (ASP)

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's ASP operates under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). It provides cash reimbursement to help schools serve nutritious snacks to children in afterschool activities aimed at promoting the health and well-being of children and youth in Connecticut’s communities.

  • Agricultural Science and Technology (ASTE)

    Agricultural Science and Technology Education (ASTE) programs serve secondary students in full- and shared- time programs. ASTE programs prepare students for college and careers in animal science, agribusiness, agricultural mechanics, aquaculture, biotechnology, food science, marine technology, natural resources, and plant science.

  • Alliance Districts

    The Alliance District program is a unique and targeted investment in Connecticut’s 33 lowest-performing districts. Connecticut General Statue Section 10-262u establishes a process for identifying Alliance Districts and allocating increased Education Cost Sharing (ECS) funding to support district strategies to dramatically increase student outcomes and close achievement gaps by pursuing bold and innovative reforms.