Summer Learning
The Governor's Summer Reading Challenge and The Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge
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21st Century Community Learning Centers
Supporting community learning centers through professional development, training and networking opportunities for schools, community based organizations and after school programs, these programs provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, as well as literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children.
Afterschool programs provide academic enrichment (such as hands-on science or technology programs) and activities to support student learning and development.
Good attendance is essential to student achievement! Research shows that absences add up and that good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation. Whereas, chronic absence and truancy can be lead to school drop-out, academic failure and juvenile delinquency. By removing barriers to attendance, districts, schools and community partners can improve attendance.
Commissioner's Roundtable for Family and Community Engagement in Education
The purpose of the Commissioner's Roundtable for Family and Community Engagement in Education (Commissioner's Roundtable) is to advise the Commissioner of Education regarding policy and programmatic priorities to improve outcomes for all students and advance the State Board of Education's comprehensive plan for equity and excellence in Connecticut schools.
Comprehensive Health Services and Sexual Health Services
Guidance and resources for increase adolescents' access to comprehensive health services and sexual health services.
Comprehensive School Health Education
Guidance and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating a planned, sequential school health education program.
Educational Opportunities for Military Families
Military families, like all families, want the highest quality education for their children, especially during times of relocation and deployment. Connecticut belongs to the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children (the Compact).
Exemplary Sexual Health Education
Guidance and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating an Exemplary Sexual Health Education (ESHE), which is a systematic, evidence-informed approach to sexual health education.
The Connecticut Family Resource Center concept promotes comprehensive, integrated, community-based systems of family support and child development services located in public school buildings.
Guidelines for Alternative Education Settings
These guidelines are designed to support the operation of alternative education settings (schools or programs) offered by local and regional boards of education. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure improved program designs and greater outcomes for students in alternative education settings.
Healthy School Communities for Successful Students Partnership (Health Education)
Information on the Connecticut State Department of Education’s grant to increase the capacity of states and local school districts to implement policies and practices in the area of sexual health that improve students’ health and academic outcomes.
The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requires all school districts to ensure access to public education for children and youth experiencing homelessness and ensure success in school once enrolled.
Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap
The Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap is chaired by the Lieutenant Governor and covenes state agency heads in order to coordinate cross-agency efforts to eliminate the academic gaps in Connecticut.
Office of Student Supports and Organizational Effectiveness
Home page of the State Department of Education's Office of Student Supports and Organizational Effectiveness
Practice Guidelines for Delivery of School Social Work Services
Guidelines for professionals developing and implementing school social work services for Connecticut students