Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
WSCC model provides the infrastructure schools can use to engage students, families, staff, and the community-at-large to improve the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development of every child.
Most Popular Results
Guidance and resources for appropriate disciplinary practices in schools including resources regarding educational opportunities for students who have been expelled.
Good attendance is essential to student achievement! Research shows that absences add up and that good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation. Whereas, chronic absence and truancy can be lead to school drop-out, academic failure and juvenile delinquency. By removing barriers to attendance, districts, schools and community partners can improve attendance.
Interdistrict Magnet School Program
Magnet schools are designed to attract students from diverse social, economic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds.
The Open Choice program allows urban students to attend public schools in nearby suburban towns.
School Governance Councils provide a remarkable opportunity for Connecticut schools to engage with families and community members in the essential dialogue about student achievement and preparing all students for success.