How to Create an Email Address

Families must have an e-mail address to create an account for their RSCO application. This email address will be used as their account username and will be used by RSCO to communicate important and time-sensitive information to families.

We understand that not all families have an email address. Let us help you!

Here are some of the most popular, secure and free email providers:
You may also follow these steps to search for different email provider:
  1. Go to your internet search on your computer, device, or smartphone
  2. In the internet search, type into the search box Create an Email address for Free
  3. The search results will give you options for different email options
  4. Select one of the email providers links (links are typically the larger letter words in blue text)
    How to setup an email account:  
    1. Once you select one of these options, a screen will appear that asks you information to create an email address
    2. Follow the steps and complete the required information
    3. You may have to log into your Email account and register your email address before it is active
    4. Write down your email address or print the Email address (Always keep your passwords in secure locations)
    5. Use this email address to create your RSCO application