Logging In
Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) data collection applications are available through two secure websites: 1) Legacy; and 2) Portal. The legacy application website houses many of the CSDE’s older data collection applications and allows only one set of website logon credentials per district. The Portal website uses individualized security (each user has their own set of credentials) and houses the CSDE’s newer applications. The CSDE is in the process of moving all data collections into the Portal website. If you are uncertain if an application is a Legacy or a Portal application, please check this list.
Legacy Applications 
There is one username and password needed to access the secure legacy application website. This username and password are unique to the district. When a user enters the username and password at the legacy application website, the user will be given access to the menu of legacy applications. When a user selects an application, the user may be prompted to submit additional credential information. Depending on the application, this additional information may take the form of an additional username, password or security code. The second set of credential information is an additional security measure and should only be shared with district staff assigned to the application. If you need assistance with the secondary credentials for an application, please contact the application contact staff indicated later in this guide.
Portal Applications 
The new Portal Applications website uses individualized accounts. Each user will only need one username and password to access the Portal Applications website and will have specific roles assigned for access to different applications. When a user logs into the Portal Applications website, they will only have access to the applications where they have been assigned roles.
Each district has one or more individuals who have been granted the permission to manage their district’s users’ access within the portal. These individuals are known as LEA Security Managers and are responsible for creating and maintaining users and their roles for all Portal Applications. These functions are performed through the Directory Manager (DM) application. These roles govern what applications a user can see, what actions a user can take within the portal and, in some cases, even what they see within an application.
If an individual already has a portal account in DM, he/she will use their existing username/password. If an existing user needs additional roles, they should speak to their LEA Security Manager. For a complete listing of LEA Security Managers, please visit the DM Help Site.
If an individual is new to DM, the LEA Security Manager in their district can create an account and assign the appropriate roles. When an account is created, the new user will receive one email with a unique username and a second email with a temporary password and a link to the portal.
Important: It is critical that usernames and passwords NOT be shared, as each is unique to the assigned individual. The Department reserves the right to inactivate accounts and/or remove roles if it believes the account has been used by anyone other than the assigned account holder.