Career and Technical Education Report

The ED400: Career and Technical Education Report retired 2014-2015 school year. All required data are now obtained from the existing Teacher-Course-Student (TCS) data collection.

About TCS:
  • TCS is an annual student-level data collection for all students enrolled in CT public schools.
  • Course Code, Course Name, Credit Earned, Grade Attained and Teacher information is collected for each student.
  • The Course Code is a standardized value developed by the United States Department of Education (USDOE) – see the Secondary School Course Classification System.
  • A Career Technical Education Course Codes & Clusters crosswalk matches the relevant course codes to the appropriate 16 Perkins Clusters and Family Consumer Sciences. 
TCS Timeline:
  • August 15 – TCS data due to the state by August 15 each year and undergoes extensive data cleansing.
  • October 1 – TCS data are frozen
    • This frozen file is then loaded into EdSight, our data warehouse.  The data warehouse contains TCS data starting with the 2013-14 school year.
  • December 31 - The Perkins Data Accountability files are due to the U.S. Department of Education and are used to populate the Consolidated Annual Report (CAR).