25 Sigourney Street,  Hartford

25 Sigourney Street is an office building of approximately 467,000 gross square feet.  Currently vacant, the building previously held multiple State of Connecticut Agencies.  The building has 15 stories of office space along with an attached parking garage of 6 stories. The parking garage is in need of full repair, but there are 47 accessible spots within the tower. There is a potential total of 815 parking spaces on the property.  The temperature control of the building is provided by hot and chilled water from CAS (Capital Area District Heating and Cooling System).  The building has 4 passenger elevators in the high rise (currently not in use), 4 passenger elevators in the low rise (currently not in use), a single low rise elevator for floors 6-12 and a single high rise elevator serving floors 14-19.  A service elevator is present as well, with access to all floors (except for the 20th floor).