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Background Documents Specifically Related to Connecticut’s State Pension Plans and OPEB Programs
1. Actuarial Valuation as of June 30, 2008, Connecticut State Employees Retirement System, Office of the State Comptroller
2. State of Connecticut Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Program, April 1, 2006 Actuarial Valuation, Milliman, March 15, 2007

3. OPEB ARC for FYE 2008 and Projected liability as of June 30, 2008, February 16, 2009 letter form Milliman

4. Connecticut Retirement Plans and Trust Funds-Net of all Fees and Expenses, Period ending January 31, 2010, Office of the State Treasurer
5. State of Connecticut, Office of the Treasurer, Combined investment Funds, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2009
6. Connecticut State Employees Retirement System: summary plan descriptions for Tiers I, II and IIA, Office of the State Comptroller

7. Health Care Options Planners for State of Connecticut Retirees issue by the State Comptroller:
8. State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) and State of Connecticut Agreement—SEBAC(2), February 1992
9.  SEBAC(3), June 1992
10. SEBAC(4), May 1995
11. SEBAC(5), February 1997
12. SEBAC(5a), April 29, 1999
13. SEBAC 2009 Agreement, April 21,2009
14. SERS Liabilities by Tiers, Thomas Woodruff, PhD, Office of the State Comptroller and Commission Member
15.  Schedule on State Taxes and ARC, Commission Member Julie McNeil
16. Connecticut SERS Contribution Projection, Milliman, February 1, 2007 letter to Dr. Thomas Woodruff
17. SERS-Historical Rate of Returns, March 26, 2010
     & IIA (Cavanaugh Macdonald, August 2, 2010)