This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

The Office of the Secretary assists and advises the Governor on policy and financial issues; advocates the Governor's policies and coordinates their implementation.

The Secretary, unique as chief financial and policy advisor to the Governor, is responsible for policy development and the overall financial management of state government.  This responsibility includes protecting the long-term and short-term interests of the state. 

The Office of the Secretary, with analytic support from the agency's divisions, advises the Governor on: all matters related to fiscal policy; policy initiatives, particularly those initiatives that cross agency lines; state agency management issues, including agency strategic business planning; the reorganization of state government; labor relations; Federal issues, in conjunction with the Governor's Washington Office; impact of federal and state policies on local governments; financial management policies and practices in all state agencies; and legislative matters.

The Secretary and Deputy Secretary advocate the Governor's policies with legislators, state agencies, private service providers, the general public, legislative task forces, and the boards and commissions to which the Secretary is named a member.

This office directs the development and implementation of the state's biennial operating and capital budgets as well as budget adjustments for the second half of the biennium.  The Secretary meets with the Governor to assist in establishing priorities and meets with state agency heads in developing the Governor's budget.  The Secretary reviews agency requests for bonding of capital projects for submittal to the State Bond Commission and regularly meets with credit rating agencies, bond counsel, and economists concerning the status of the state's bond rating and projections on the national economy.

The office reviews legislative proposals of all state agencies and closely monitors such proposals during the legislative session.

In order to improve the quality of state agency management and control, the Office of the Secretary makes strategic and operational decisions that are consistent with the Governor's policies and programs.  When state agency management issues arise, the Secretary may direct the analysis of those issues and work with agency heads on implementation of any recommendations. 

The office establishes the priorities for the planning and analysis, coordination, and implementation efforts of OPM’s divisions of Administration, Budget and Financial Management, Criminal Justice Policy and Planning, Finance, Intergovernmental Policy, Labor Relations, Policy Development and Planning and Transportation Policy.  The office provides guidance and support to the divisions to assist them in attaining their goals.