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1997 General Notices

Number Date Subject Notes
1997-12 12/23/1997 Court Appeal NP-2 (UCHC-HVAC) Award
1997-11 11/13/1997 NP-6/P-1 Conference & Workshop Fund Agreement
1997-10 10/21/1997 Information Regarding NP-2 Vacancies Notice rescinded on 11/4/1997
1997-09 09/29/1997 P-5 Key Persons Reminder Refer to 1995-12
1997-08 08/07/1997 NP-6/P-1 Schedules of 35 Plus 5
1997-07 06/19/1997 NP-6/P-1 Contract Changes Summary (1997-2001)
1997-06 06/16/1997 Increased Workweek
1997-05 04/24/1997 Early Retirement Proposal
1997-04 04/18/1997 Early Retirement Incentive Program - Questions and Answers
1997-03 04/09/1997 Early Retirement Incentive Program
1997-02 04/03/1997 P-5 Key Persons Reminder Refer to 1995-12
1997-01 04/02/1997 Informational Meeting Regarding NP-2 Negotiated Changes