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Courses Approved for Recertification Credit

Revaluation Recertification
During the five-year certification period, the employee must complete at least 50 hours of property assessment or appraisal courses and/or workshops. Proof of successful completion of the courses/workshops must be submitted to OPM, along with an application for recertification. The individual seeking recertification is responsible for maintaining the documentation concerning courses/workshops taken during the 5-year period.
Assessor Certification
A written application may be made to the Secretary for a waiver of the requirement to take Courses IIA, IIB and III. The Secretary may grant an applicant's request to waive any of such courses, provided he or she shows evidence of having successfully completed an equivalent property appraisal course(s) or demonstrates competence in a related field of study or endeavor. Courses IA, IB, and IV shall not be waived under any circumstance. A person having been granted a waiver of a course(s) shall be deemed to have completed the prescribed education program. Any such person who subsequently fails the appropriate comprehensive examination shall take and successfully complete the course(s) that was waived.


For Information Contact Jennifer Gauthier, (860) 418-6342,