This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

alert    LoCIP Forms have been revised!                              
Please do not use old forms.  They cannot be processed and will be returned. 
Links to the revised forms are below. 
Thank you!
Reminder: Do NOT submit copies of invoices, checks or other unnecessary paperwork with your reimbursement request form.  Forms submitted with unnecessary paperwork will not be processed and will be returned.
  • Project Close Outs:  Use the LoCIP Reimbursement Form and enter $0 for the amount of requested reimbursement, check off the box indicating final reimbursement, initial where indicated, and complete the bottom certification section of the form.  The form must be signed by the Mayor, First Selectman, or Town Manager.
  • LoCIP Project Payment Waiver Request- ( revised March 1, 2019) - Pursuant to CGS Sec. 7-536(f): "If a municipality fails to request payment within seven years of OPM’s authorization of a LoCIP project, the secretary shall make no payment for such project unless the municipality requests and receives a waiver for such project on such terms and conditions as the secretary deems appropriate."   To request a waiver, please complete the LoCIP Project Payment Waiver Request form and submit as directed on the form.
We cannot accept electronic submission of LoCIP forms.  Please send completed and signed original forms to:
Office of Policy and Management
450 Capitol Avenue
Attn:  LoCIP/Kathy Taylor MS# 52ADM
Hartford, CT 06106
locip home
Questions?  Contact Kathy Taylor @ 860-418-6379, or via email @