This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

Municipal Operations Survey Results

The Office of Policy and Management annually compiles municipal financial information derived from various sources such as municipal audit reports, adopted municipal budgets, and the municipal uniform chart of accounts data submitted annually by municipalities.  This data is made available to municipalities and other municipal stakeholders through various means such as the Connecticut Open Data Portal, the Municipal Benchmarking Application and the on-line publication of Municipal Fiscal Indicators. To this regard, users of the financial data frequently make inquiries to OPM seeking information related to the operations of municipalities. These municipal stakeholders have informed us that such data would allow them to make useful assumptions and valid comparisons between municipalities and enhance the transparency of the various financial data provided by OPM.

In April of 2018, OPM requested that municipalities complete a survey in regard to their municipal operations.  The results of this survey were compiled in August of 2018 and is now being made available.

The Municipal Operations Survey results have been compiled in an excel file and the responses from each question posed on the Survey are located in individual spreadsheet tabs in the file.  For ease of use you can click on the yellow highlighted cell in each worksheet tab and select the municipality whose response you are seeking or you can scroll through the file to view the responses from each municipality that completed the Survey.

If a municipality’s information is missing from the Survey results, please contact your local town official and request that the on-line Survey be completed. For questions regarding the survey results, please contact Bill Plummer at 860-418-6367 or by email at

Click on the link below to view the Survey results.

Municipal Operations Survey Results