The State Facility Plan
The Bureau is responsible for the development of Connecticut's State Facility Plan which is mandated by CGS 4b-23 and is "...used as an advisory document for the leasing of property for use by state agencies and departments and for related capital projects."
In each odd numbered year, agencies are required to notify the Bureau of their respective facility needs for the next five (5) fiscal years. These facility needs (i.e. buildings and real property owned or leased by the state) are to include long-term and short-term facility needs, opportunities for replacing leased space with state owned space, facilities proposed for demolition or surplus/abandonment which have potential for other uses and space modifications or relocations that could result in cost or energy savings.
Agencies are required to submit their facility needs information to the Bureau on or before September first of each even-numbered year and the Bureau is responsible for coordination of agency requests and the development of the State Facility Plan which becomes effective July 1st of each odd-numbered year.
During the two (2) year period covered by the State Facility Plan, any state agency wishing to make use of leased space to meet their facility needs must be approved for the necessary costs and square footages in the State Facility Plan before a lease may be entered into.
Please see the State Facility Plan section of our Reports and Publications page for copies of the State Facility Plan.
Office of Policy and Management
Bureau of Assets Management
450 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1379
Paul Hinsch
Phone: (860) 418-6429