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Wellmore is extremely grateful for the NGP Grant Program funding that our agency received.  The funding allowed our agency to purchase backup emergency generators for three of our residential adult homes along with replacement extruded aluminum windows at our Recovery House.  The windows replaced much older wooden windows that were falling apart and not very energy efficient.  The new windows are far more energy efficient, safer and more aesthetically pleasing.  The generators have allowed us the assurance that we can continue to provide therapy and recovery support services to our clients on a daily basis without the worry of potential disruptions caused by Mother Nature or other sources of power outages.  Our three residential adult group homes provide treatment services to between 40 and 60 clients each day ranging from infants to older adults.  We are pleased and proud to say that the homes are safe, stable and secure. An extended power outage at any location would result in the relocation of clients causing a significant financial loss in order to provide temporary housing, food and other essentials at an outside location but would also result in an immeasurable interruption to the therapeutic/recovery process. The purchase of the generators has had a significant impact on our agency’s ability to ensure we are able to continue to help our clients to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.