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Vista Life Innovations


Vista Life Innovations, Inc., formerly Vista Vocational & Life Skills Center, Inc. is a 501(c)3 community based, post-secondary nonprofit training program located in Madison in Westbrook Connecticut. Vista Life Innovations serves individuals with disabilities such as development disabilities, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, brain injury and others.

Vista’s mission is to provide services and resources to assist individuals with disabilities achieve personal success. Our program is designed to provide hands-on, real life training in a community based setting to support individuals with disabilities in living as fully engaged members of their chosen community.

With funding from the Nonprofit Grant Program (NPG), Vista implemented remote access of its information server and purchased necessary devices to enable its use by staff delivering services to individuals with disabilities in the field. Allowing Vista staff the ability to access this information from the field has significantly improved efficiencies in service delivery. Prior to this project, Vista staff could only access information from a desktop computer located at one of Vista’s campus locations.

Of equal import to having access to information in the field was having the hardware needed to access the information. In this regard, funding from the NPG also supported the purchase of devices (tablets and laptops) for Vista staff to use in working with individuals with disabilities in their homes, work places and in the community.

Funding for this project has enhanced Vista’s service delivery model inordinately and Vista cannot thank the State of Connecticut and the Office of Policy and Management enough for all their support.


 Creating a schedule and making plans


Online banking and budgeting



Vista Life Innovations has campuses in Westbrook, Madison and Guilford, CT
