This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

The Kennedy Center

For over 65 years, The Kennedy Center has provided innovative, comprehensive quality services to persons with disabilities and special needs and their families, from birth through senior years. With a dedicated commitment to a high standard of excellence, our highly-skilled staff work closely with each individual to try new experiences and overcome challenges that they previously believed to be impossible to achieve. Our mission is to promote the empowerment of individuals with diverse abilities, disabilities and experiences toward optimal participation and inclusion in the community.

The Kennedy Center is equally committed to provide a safe and sound work environment for those we serve. With as many as 700 clients, family members and staff visiting our Lindeman based programs every day, we must ensure our bathroom facilities remain safe, efficient and functional.  Through the generous support received through the OPM’s Non-Profit Grants Program, we successfully complete a ceiling-to-floor renovation of our bathroom facilities at our Lindeman facility.

We are grateful for the support of the State of CT’s Nonprofit Grant Program. Thank you!