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Through the support of the Nonprofit Grant Program of the State of Connecticut, TEAM was able to move forward with acquiring two (2) vehicles for the purposes of delivering high-quality Meals on Wheels services to frail, homebound elderly most in need. These new Meals on Wheels trucks replaced significantly deteriorating vehicles that were in excess of 290,000 total miles – and this support increased efficiencies and effectiveness of TEAM’s high-impact services to more than 300 of our most vulnerable elderly in the region on a daily basis. In addition to the vehicles’ abilities to ensure the daily door-to-door transport of hot, nutritionally balanced lunchtime meals – they have resulted in a cost-savings to TEAM via the immediate reduction of ongoing vehicle maintenance issues that had continued to escalate due to the aging and depreciated condition of the older vehicles. The Nonprofit Grant Program of the State of Connecticut resulted in strong Elderly Services outcomes for daily operations, including vehicle maintenance, fuel mileage efficiencies, and food-service quality – as well as staff efficiencies and client experience.


Through the support of the Nonprofit Grant Program of the State of Connecticut, TEAM was able to move forward with critical technological improvements including new computers, current operating systems, encryption & security systems, and the latest communication network systems. These upgrades increased both the efficiency and effectiveness of TEAM’s high-impact services to thousands of individuals and families accessing critical social safety net, elderly, and early childhood services throughout TEAM’s ten Connecticut communities most in need. Amidst the rapid pace of technological advancements and the growing needs of the communities served by TEAM, the Nonprofit Grant Program of the State of Connecticut resulted in strong agency-wide outcomes for operations, including staff efficiency and client experience.