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StayWell Health Care, Inc. received funding from OPM for our School Based Health Center (SBHC) at Driggs Elementary School in Waterbury. The SBHC has been in existence since 1999 and is located in a stand alone trailer on the school property. During the 2015/2016 school year, StayWell provided 432 students with services at the Driggs SBHC. StayWell originally rented, but now owns the trailer, but not the property it sits on, which is owned by the City of Waterbury. No significant renovations had been undertaken since the SBHC was founded.  We requested funding to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the program and also to address safety and ADA improvements. This funding enabled us to rebuild the wheelchair ramp which allows accessibility to the SBHC to improve cost efficiency and maintain ADA compliance. The previous ramp was constructed of wood, which required repeated repairs and sections to be replaced over the years. It was replaced with Trex Decking, which is more durable and will require much less maintenance. We also built an office in the interior for the SBHC Coordinator. Previously, the Coordinator had a desk in the reception area. A separate office now provides additional privacy and confidentiality when discussing health issues with students and parents. It also allows the Coordinator to be more efficient in her work, with fewer distractions in a separate area. The renovation added a countertop to the reception window, which previously had no countertop adjacent, and which now allows students and parents to place items and complete forms. We also replaced all the windows to increase energy efficiency and to prevent leaking, and placed a rubberized coating on the roof to repair some small leaks and prevent further leaking. Finally, we painted the entire center, inside and out, replaced the worn flooring, and replaced all of the waiting room furniture, to create a more welcoming environment for all receiving services at the Driggs School Based Health Center.