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St. Vincent DePaul Mission of Waterbury, Inc.

The two grants from OPM allowed us to purchase and install two generators.

The St. Vincent DePaul Homeless Resource Service Center and Shelter, is located at 114 Benedict Street in Waterbury. With 126 beds, and the ability to add folding cots, it is the largest Shelter in the State of Connecticut.

From July1, 2016 through May 31, 2017, 737 different individuals sought refuge at the shelter, 111 were children.

This past winter between 95 and 127 individuals took refuge at the shelter each night.  One of our major concerns has always been; “what happens if we lose power during a winter storm?”  We applied to OPM for a grant to install a generator.  During the past winter the Shelter lost power 5 times, once for a full day.  Each time the generator had everything running at full power within twenty seconds.  The Shelter is also open to the public when the Governor initiates the “cold weather protocol”.

In 1988 the Mission purchased an 8 bed group home to house duly diagnosed DMHAS clients.  Here these single adults feel safe as they learn or relearn lost basic living skills.  In past years when power was lost the 8 clients were transported to other accommodations.  This winter one storm kept the power out for almost a full day.  But thanks to the new generator all clients were able to stay at home.  The generator purchased with the funding from OPM had the house in full power in twenty seconds.

We are grateful to OPM for their concern for our staff and clients’ safety, not only during the winter but all year long.