This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.


A central component to our clients integrating back into the community is participating in that very community to which they aspire.  It can happen in many ways.  Life on life’s terms means dealing with circumstances created before you arrived in treatment and that which is necessary to achieve healthy sobriety.  Being located in rural Eastern Connecticut has its challenges when it is our intent to get clients into the community to do the responsible things in their goal to attain sobriety.  SCADD is on the road all day with clients who have business in the community.  It is a huge scheduling task and the drivers have to be quite efficient when the goal is to cover the community needs of all the clients at SCADD’s Lebanon Pines Long Term Program for Men.  The volume of work would never get accomplished without a specialty vehicle that can carry 13-passengers.  It still takes great skill to get everyone where they need to be (and back again) but we would never be able to do so without the brand new Chevrolet Econoline Stretch van we purchased in 2015 with the assistance of the NGP funds administered through OPM.  Thank you OPM and Governor Malloy!


Jack Malone

Executive Director

Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (S.C.A.D.D.)

Norwich—New London—Lebanon