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SARAH, Inc. is honored to have been awarded NPG grants for 3 essential projects. 

One grant allowed us to replace 3 aging vehicles.  The new vehicles included a wheelchair accessible van and a cargo van.  With this grant, we were able to increase capacity and passenger safety while reducing maintenance an overall operating costs. The cargo van also helped us expand our recycling program which provide jobs for supported workers.

Another grant allowed us to renovate an existing building to make it safer and improve accessibility for people using wheelchairs and challenged with other mobility issues. Larger, handicap accessible bathrooms with remote controlled changing tables provides a safer, more therapeutic environment for both staff and participants. A new wheelchair lift provides easy access for people in wheelchairs to use all parts of the building. Prior to the renovations, participants with mobility issues had to go outside across a busy parking lot and in all kinds of weather to access other parts of the building. I have attached pictures of the wheelchair lift.

The third grant allowed us to work with a software developer to create a customized software program for our Birth to Three early intervention services. This software allows our therapists to secure a web-based system to create consistent, more “family-friendly” reports. The grant also allowed us to purchase the tablets for therapists to use while working with infants and their families in the family home. This technology allows us to spend more quality time  providing services and less time on paperwork and forms.

Thanks to the Governor, you and everyone at OPM who have made these grants possible. They are making a difference.