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Reliance House

Bathroom Renovations: Our 5-apartment building houses people receiving DMHAS-funded services who are transitioning to community living and learning skills for more independent living. Four bathrooms that were 40 or more years old were gutted and transformed with the bond award. The contractor installed new sheetrock, electrical wiring, plumbing and fixtures, flooring, and vanity. The money from the bond award helped our agency upgrade these bathrooms which have needed to be done for a long time.

Replacement Windows: Our 5-apartment building houses people receiving DMHAS-funded services who are transitioning to community living and learning skills for more independent living. The bond award allowed our agency to install all new vinyl replacement windows to replace old wooden windows that were broken and not energy efficient or weather tight. The old storm windows were missing and broken. Now the building is much more energy efficient as the cold drafts of winter are sealed out.