This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.


Round 1 Success Story:

Marrakech utilized the OPM Nonprofit grant to build and implement a new electronic case record and outcomes management system using Social Solutions ETO (Efforts to Outcomes). The system is flexible enough that each program area can have unique forms and fields appropriate for their funding and populations as well as have consistent fields that allow for aggregate reporting across the organization. The transition to an electronic case management system has allowed for more immediate communication, increased access to information as needed and a reduction in paper and supplies.

Round 2 Success Story:

Due to the funding from OPM, Marrakech was able to do a complete IT upgrade that addressed infrastructure, storage, access and security issues. Three of Marrakech’s main buildings have been rewired to resolve connectivity and repair issues. We were able to transition from on premise servers to the web version of Office 365 including cloud-based storage in One Drive for Business and SharePoint. New back up and disaster recovery software was also purchased. A new phone system was installed in all of the main buildings, which was essential as our prior phone system had become obsolete from service and repair. In addition, Marrakech was able to install a new video conferencing system that allows our staff to log-in remotely and have full access to our trainers and in-services without having to drive to Woodbridge from various locations across the state. This new conferencing system will save our employees time, which also helps supervisors avoid lengthy periods of coverage to manage. It will also reduce the organization’s mileage costs and help insure that training requirements are met in a timely manner.