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MARC Community Resources

MARC Community Resources appreciates the generous support from the State of Connecticut for our mission, programs and services. The funding that MARC received to upgrade IT equipment and software has transformed our operations. Previously, over two-thirds of our computers ran on Window XP and utilized Office 2003. The advancements in technology over the past ten years placed MARC program participants and our business operations at a significant disadvantage, soon to be entirely obsolete.  At the time, we had daily equipment issues, using unstable, outdated equipment and software.

We successfully applied to the CT Nonprofit grant program for $27,172 in October, 2013. The generous funding allowed us to replace and upgrade all of our obsolete equipment and software. With these upgrades, we connected our six locations, improving and enhancing communications. In addition, the recent high school graduates we serve, had been exposed to advanced technology in school; our newly upgraded technology enabled them to continue to advance their skills, develop employment skills and enhance communication abilities. This infrastructure upgrade project has created a more secure network, providing heightened security and protection for our program participants and agency.

Without this grant, we would not have been able to replace the inadequate and outdated equipment and software. In our current world, secure and current technology is essential. The support and investment from the State of Connecticut, not only provided invaluable resources to continue our work, but enabled MARC to allocate our limited funds to providing critical programs and services to our consumers.  Thank you for helping to make our mission a reality for the individuals and families who we serve.

For over 60 years, MARC Community Resources has empowered children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to realize their potential and make positive choices about their lives.  MARC provides a comprehensive array of essential programs and services for individuals, such as housing, employment, day services, self-advocacy and leadership, as well as community social and recreational opportunities.  An example of additional initiatives includes:

  • Digital Literacy Classes
  • Rooftop Gardening Program
  • Heatlhy Cooking and Kitchen Safety Classes
  • Family Respite

    At MARC Community Resources, we are dedicated to fulfilling our mission and ensuring that each participant thrives in their community and achieves their personal goals.