This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.


CNV Help, Inc.’s website was completely redesigned to feature a modern, intuitive design that allows for quicker and easier user navigation and more frequent and timely informational website updates. The redesigned website includes Google Maps integration to easily find agency locations, Google Translate support for Spanish, updated information about locations, services, and news, and a sidebar for users to inquire about services, which has already been utilized by hundreds of users.

The purchase of a server and VOIP phone system, along with supported computers and telephones, allowed, for the first time, the connectivity of various agency locations across the state. Secure internal emails, file sharing for staff at different locations, and the ability to save staff forms on a drive accessible by all staff became possible. The VOIP phone system similarly connected users, as staff at different locations can have conference calls and receive or transfer calls by dialing a three-digit extension. Voicemail can be retrieved at any phone in the agency and from within the agency’s secure network email. These changes dramatically improved productivity.

Agency vehicles were purchased to replace aging vehicles and allow staff to reliably transport residential clients for appointments, personal shopping, and recreational activities. The vehicles are also used for staff to perform case management services with clients in the community.

New generators at residential facilities and allow clients to have no interruption t services and daily routines, power to the facility has been interrupted.