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Chemical Abuse Services Agency, Inc.

The acquisition of a state of the arts electronic health record (EHR) has greatly enhanced the

Chemical Abuse Services Agency, Inc.’s (CASA) clinical operation by supporting and advancing

effective and efficient services and business practices that continue to meet the CASA mission.

Due to our many technology and information-driven processes our EHR has vastly improved our

ability to manage data, monitor medication, process billable services, review the quantity and quality

of our services, review outcome measurements, and has ultimately improved our business and clinical

information system functioning. 

In particular our EHR has made a difference for the patients enrolled in medication assisted treatment. 

They are now able to check in at an electronic kiosk without having to wait in line for a receptionist. 

If there are no pending issues with payments or clinical requirements (which is the case for the

majority of patients) they are able to go directly to the medicating window and leave the clinic as

quickly as they entered. The system has also improve our accuracy with providing the right dosages

for the many patients CASA medicates. In addition with all of the build in alerts and reminders,

CASA clinicians can stay focused on critical therapeutic tasks and feel confident that they are in

compliance with regulatory and standard practices. 

Furthermore the EHR system provides CASA with backup capabilities to ensure the preservation of all clinical and operational information. It has capabilities to maintain CASA’s information system, prepare for recovery as a result of any disaster and maintenance of virus protection. The EHR supports financial management, personnel management, and the collection of data on the quality and effectiveness of services. CASA is thankful for the OPM NGP opportunity and resource to fulfill one of its critical strategic goals to implement a highly efficient electronic health record system for the clients and staff of our organization.


--Asher Delerme, Executive Director, CASA