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Allied Rehabilitation

Allied Rehabilitation 16OPM8002AA Bathroom Expansion Project

“The Magic Bathrooms”

Allied's facility, constructed over 25 years ago, serves over 100 participants with a variety of physical needs and abilities. Many of the participants have been with Allied since school transition and are now facing difficulties common with middle age for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities.  Prior to the Non-profit Grant Program Award, our restroom facilities had capacity for only nine individuals at a time. While technically meeting town codes for bathroom capacity, in reality, the number of restroom stalls was not sufficient for peoples’ needs.  Waiting in the hallway to use the facility throughout the day was the norm, not the exception. 

This NGP project almost doubled our restrooms’ capacity including 2 additional ADA compliant bathrooms, powered doors and touchless fixtures.  All of the people who spend a large part of their day receiving services in our facility eagerly awaited the opening of the new restrooms. There was great curiosity about the construction going on behind the closed doors. They endured many weeks of using temporary restrooms set up outside on the patio. Fortunately the weather cooperated with only a few rainy days and the arrangement worked out as well as we could have hoped. 

Finally the big day arrived, the town gave their final approvals and the new restrooms were open!  Literally, collective gasps, ohs and ahs were heard as people had their first glimpse of the new facilities. The new bathrooms quickly became known as “the Magic Bathrooms” because of the touchless fixtures. Not so much that they were more hygienic, but they were “magic”!  Water miraculously ran and toilets automatically flushed! The impact of this NGP grant on the quality of peoples’ days at the Allied program facility cannot be overstated.  Restrooms may seem like an unglamorous “success story” however, this NGP grant turned out to be “magic” for the people we serve. Allied is sincerely appreciative and grateful for this significant opportunity provided by the Non-profit Grant Program.