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NGP 3rd Round



Nonprofit Grant (NGP) Program

April 8, 2015

Program Description

The NGP will award Grants-in-aid to selected private, nonprofit health and human service organizations that are exempt under Section 501(c)(3) and that receive funds from the State to provide direct health and human services to State agency clients.  The purpose of the NGP is to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, safety and/or accessibility of health and human services being delivered by nonprofit organizations under contracts with or funding from State agencies, including Medicaid. 

The NGP is administered in accordance with Section 13 of Public Act 13-239, June 2013 Session, as amended by Section 87 of Public Act 14-98.    The amount of funding for this current round of applications is anticipated to be approximately $30 million, of which up to $12.5 million may be reserved for projects requesting NGP funding in an amount greater than $1.0 million and up to and including a maximum of $3.0 million, provided that supplemental matching funds equal to a minimum of 25% of the NGP award are contributed by the selected applicant.  The remaining amount of the anticipated approximately $30.0 million will be for projects requesting up to $1.0 million in NGP funding with a minimum of $35,000 for each project.

The NGP is to be funded by proceeds from State General Obligation and the funding for this program is subject to review and approval of the State Bond Commission in accordance with Section 3-20 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

The award of any grant pursuant to this program is dependent upon the review and approval of OPM. 


As indicated, the purpose of the NGP is to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, safety and/or accessibility of eligible Section 501(c)(3) health and human services delivering services under contracts with or funding from State agencies, including Medicaid.  The eligible projects include facility alterations, renovations, improvements, additions, and new construction; health, safety and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) projects; energy conservation improvements; information technology systems; technology that promotes client independence; purchase of vehicles; and acquisition of property. 

NGP Program Guidelines and Application

The NGP guidelines and application instructions and the application are located on OPM’s website under the link for Request for Proposals and also are posted on the DAS website.  Applications may also be obtained from the Official State Contact.  Any amendments to the application, the timeframes and/or the guidelines will be posted on the OPM and DAS websites.

Application Process Timeframes

  1. Application deadline for this round of funding:  Applications for this round of funding are due to the following address not later than 4:00 p.m. June 26, 2015:

    Office of Policy and Management

    450 Capitol Avenue

    Hartford, CT  06106

    C/o Valerie Clark, Office of Finance

  2. Questions and answers regarding Program Guidelines and Application Instructions and the Application Form:  Potential applicants can submit questions related to these Program Guidelines and Application Instructions and the Application Form to the Official State Contact through e-mail, which questions must be received by the Official State Contact not later than 4:00 p.m. on April 29, 2015.  These questions and the related answers will be posted on OPM’s website and DAS’s website not later than 4:00 p.m. on May 27, 2015.

  3. Selection and award process:  OPM and/or the Evaluation Committee plans to post information regarding the anticipated timeframes related to the selection and award process as this information becomes available.  It is anticipated, depending, in part, on the number of applications received, that applicants will be notified about the status of their application not later than November 20, 2015.  It is the State’s goal to have grant award agreements with selected applicants completed no later than January 14, 2016.

    Official Agency Contact:

            Valerie Clark, OPM, (860)418-6313,

Important Note to Award Recipients

Please do not proceed with any anticipated NGP-funded project work until you have received a grant award letter indicating that your project has been selected and a grant award agreement between the State and your organization has been fully executed.  Any work done without a contract in place will not be eligible for reimbursement.

List of 3rd Round Awards

We received over 440 applications in response to the Nonprofit Grant Program request for applications (RFA).  Our team has been working very hard to complete the review of every application.  We appreciate your patience as we go through this huge undertaking.  We are conducting our final steps towards reviewing and scoring the applications. We had originally projected making grant award announcements by November 20, 2015.  Given the volume of applications received, however, we now project making these announcements in or prior to early January 2016.   Thank you for your continued understanding.

Questions and answers will be posted by May 27th.  Please note:  A new application with updated formatting and a sample application will also be posted.