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Juvenile Justice & Youth Development

Grantee Reporting:  Implementing Local Delinquency Prevention Programs (Title V)

The forms below are required for Implementing Local Delinquency Prevention Programs (Title V) grants and are available for downloading.


Due on or before July 15, October 15, January 15, April 15

  • Progress Report - for the previous calendar quarter.
  • Financial Report - cumulative to the end of the previous calendar quarter.
  • Cash Request - required to obtain funds for the next calendar quarter.
  • Revised Budget Request - required to request changes in budget line items that would exceed 10% or $500.00, whichever is greater.  Also required by some grants by a Grant Condition on the Grant Award.

Completed forms should be e-mailed as attachments to

Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or viewers is required to view the following documents. If you cannot view them, please contact our office.

If you have questions about reporting requirements or forms, contact our office.

TOP of pageProgress Report Form

Format: Microsoft Word for Windows (*.doc)
Click Here to Download: Microsoft Word format
Title V Progress Report Form

TOP of pageFinancial Report Form

Format: Microsoft Excel for Windows (*.xls)
Click Here to Download:MS Excel
Financial Report Form

TOP of pageCash Request Form

Format: Microsoft Word for Windows (*.doc)
Click Here to Download: Microsoft Word format
Cash Request Form

TOP of pageRevised Budget Request

Format: Microsoft Excel for Windows (*.xls)
Click Here to Download:MS Excel
Revised Budget Itemization Form

TOP of pageYouth Survey Questionnaire

Format: Microsoft Word for Windows (*.doc)
Click Here to Download: Microsoft Word format
Youth Survey Questionnaire