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Juvenile Justice & Youth Development

Programs & Grants

School Police

The school police funding category supports initiatives to improve relations between school and police agencies to address the problem of arrests in schools and the need to encourage and support schools and police in diverting students from the juvenile justice system without sacrificing school safety.

The newest initiative of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) is a training opportunity for school staff called Effective School Staff Interactions with Students and PolicePlease go to Schools & Police Working Together for more information. 

The JJAC has developed a model Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the school superintendent and the police chief as a starting point for local communities to collaborate on this issue and ensure a consistent application of sanctions for school misbehavior.  Download the model MOA and let us know your comments.

The MOA is in a Microsoft Word document.  If you do not have Microsoft Word, click viewers for a small freeware application.  If you are unable to use this format, please contact our office.

Memorandum of Agreement between Schools and Police (7 pages; 113 KB)

See below for funding opportunities, and awards. Grantees under the School Police program category may access reporting forms at the Grantee Reporting: School Police page.

TOP of pageFunding Opportunities for FY 2017/2018

The Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and its Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) generally announce new funding opportunities in this area in the spring.  Check back then.

TOP of pageSchool Police Awards

Documents are in Microsoft Word format. Download the attached files to view information on grant recipients, award amounts and programs funded. If you are unable to use  Microsoft Word or viewers, please contact our office.