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minority contact

The Color of Justice


Helping police see the world
through a kid’s eyes

Cops and kids unplugged
in Rocky Hill

Torrington cops and kids
on a mission

the story of DMC in CT

about Just.START

DMC studies

taking action

students and school discipline

CT juvenile justice

CT funding opportunities


Turning the camera on DMC

In Connecticut, loyal public television viewers who tune in for NewsHour or Nova may linger to learn about disproportionate minority contact (DMC). The Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) underwrote Connecticut Public Broadcasting’s The Color of Justice, a documentary that draws heavily on the JJAC’s own research on DMC in the state’s juvenile justice system. The Color of Justice puts the numbers in context through interviews with experts, practitioners and youth themselves.

What emerged was an engaging Emmy-nominated film that aired on public television and was followed by a roundtable discussion with stakeholders. The documentary has been broadcast multiple times. An abbreviated version was also produced for use at community forums conducted by the Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance, an advocacy organization. The targeted audience included both people employed within the system, in hopes that the film would inspire them to work toward change, and the general public, to raise awareness of the issue.

Click here to view the 30 minute version of The Color of Justice.

Click here to access the Color of Justice website of the Connecticut Juvenile Justice Alliance and the full version of the documentary.