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CT Recovery Return to JAG Home

Recovery Act

Connecticut Local Pass-Through JAG

(CT Local JAG Program)


Please click this link to view PowerPoint slides with Important Reporting Requirements for Municipal Grantees. 

Includes instructions on:

·         How to submit a Quarterly Financial Status report using the OPM Portal

·         How to submit a OMB 1512 JOBs report

·         How to draw down grant payment using the OPM Portal

·         How to submit Performance Measures (PMT) & Progress Report

·         How to request a budget revision or scope revision

·         How to close-out a grant

REPORTING SCHEDULE for Grantees with Local Pass-Through JAG Grants


Reporting Schedule

Due Date

Submission Process

JOBs Report (OMB 1512 report)


Due to OPM within 5 days of end of each quarter

OPM emails reporting template to each grantee at end of the quarter.  Grantee’s Project Officer completes the report and emails it back to OPM.

Performance Measurement Tool (PMT)


Due to OPM within 15 days of end of each quarter

OPM emails reporting template to each grantee at end of the quarter.  Grantee’s Project Officer completes the report and emails it back to OPM.

Quarterly Financial Report


Due to OPM PORTAL within 15 days of end of each quarter

Grantee’s Financial Officer or Project Officer completes the report in the OPM PORTAL.

FINAL Financial Report

Project Completion

(Grant is fully expended and all obligations are paid)

Due to OPM on or before the quarter end date.

Grantee’s Financial Officer or Project Officer completes the report in the OPM PORTAL.

Property (Equipment) Inventory Report

Project Completion

Due to OPM prior to Monitoring Site Visit

Due to OPM prior to the Monitoring Site Visit.

FINAL Cash Request

Project Completion

Due to OPM during or following the Monitoring Site Visit

Due to OPM during or following the Monitoring Site Visit.

Guidance on Reporting

  • The FTE data from your Jobs (OMB 1512) Report should be consistent the personnel or positions data reported in the Performance Measures Tool (PMT).
  • The expenditure data from your Quarterly Financial Report should be consistent with the “purchases” data reported in Performance Measures Tool (PMT).
  • If you purchased equipment, then you must report ARREST data in the Performance Measures Tool (PMT). (Refer to Powerpoint Slides # 10-20 for detailed instructions)

Guidance on Grant/Cash Payment

  • You will receive the grant funds through two separate payments.  You must request the first payment (75% of the grant) at the beginning of the grant period and the second payment following the OPM Site Monitoring Visit.
  • The grant payment is made to the Municipality.    Payment is made via electronic transfer or mailed check.  Please inform your town’s accounting staff as to the purpose of the grant payment. (Refer to Powerpoint Slides # 25-27 for detailed instructions)

Guidance on Close-out of the Grant

  • Final Financial Report submitted to OPM Portal
  • Property Inventory (if necessary) submitted to OPM
  • Final PMT Report and Final JOBs Report submitted to OPM
  • OPM Monitoring Site Visit completed
  • All Financial/Expenditure Data Has Been Reconciled
  • FINAL Cash request submitted through the OPM Portal
  • Close out has been Approved by OPM JAG Grant Manager
  • Sub-recipients receive written notification that the grant is now closed
  • Retain records of grant activities, expenditures, payments, invoices, personnel charges, data and any other grant related documentation for a period of three years.  (Refer to Powerpoint Slides # 29 for detailed instructions)



Grant Application Package is Available for Download

Click this link:   CT Local JAG Application Package

Click this link to download 15 Question Narrative Template (.rtf)

Click this link to download a FILL-ABLE Budget Form for the Grant Application

Click this link to download a Sample Corporate Resolution

Click this link to the OPM GRANTS PORTAL

( Towns may designate three USERS to access the Portal. 

See "Pre-application Steps" below.)


All local governments in Connecticut are eligible for the CT Local JAG Program. To view the eligibility and allocation list, click this link: CT Local JAG Allocation List

Rolling Application Due Dates: July 08, 2009 through August 26, 2009


Program Contacts:
Notification of Grant Opportunity:  Click this link to view the letter from Governor Rell to Chief Elected Officials.

Mandatory Applicant Technical Assistance Session

All local government applicants should have attended a mandatory Applicant Technical Assistance Session to learn about the program requirements and application process. 

VERY Important :  The application procedure for the CT  Local JAG Program is not the same as the application process used for the USDOJ Local Direct JAG program .   (The CT Local JAG Program is a separate program administered by OPM; whereas the Local Direct JAG is administered by the USDOJ.)
  • The CT Local JAG Program does not use the federal GMS portal or GRANTS.GOV.  
  • The CT Local JAG Program will use a new web-based grant application system that is separate and different from the federal grant application portals.

The CT Local JAG Program is funded by the pass-through component of the State’s JAG Formula Grant.  The State must pass-through 39% of the State Formula Jag Grant to local governments.  The  percentage of "pass-through" is established by USDOJ and based on the total criminal justice expenditures by the state and units of local government.

The CT JLocal JAG Program is one of three programs supported by the federal Byrne JAG funds. Please view the PowerPoint Presentation for a detailed explanation of the eligibility requirements for the three JAG programs--State Formula JAG, Local Pass-Through JAG and USDOJ Local Direct JAG.
PDF to HTML Converter OPM PowerPoint Presentation: March 26, 2009 JAG Technical Assistance Session [PDF]
2009 Recovery Act JAG Grant
Funding Allocation by Category
$20.5 million dollars
Figure 1
USDOJ Local Direct JAG
CT Local Pass-Through JAG
Apply to USDOJ Apply to OPM
USDOJ determines awards OPM determines awards
Submit quarterly reports to USDOJ Submit quarterly reports to OPM
Receive funds from USDOJ Receive funds from OPM
Advance funded Partial Advance/Reimbursement
Your quarterly reports are posted on Federal website for public viewing Your quarterly reports are posted on state website for public viewing

Use of Funds The grant may support eligible crime prevention, community education and law enforcement activities which will stimulate economic recovery, create and preserve jobs.  Funds may be used for technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, technology and information systems for criminal justice, as well as criminal justice-related research and evaluation activities.

Purpose Areas
JAG funds may be used for state and local initiatives to improve or enhance:
  • Law enforcement programs.
  • Prosecution and court programs.
  • Prevention and education programs.
  • Corrections and community corrections programs.
  • Drug treatment and enforcement programs.
  • Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs.
  • Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation).
Quarterly Financial and Programmatic Reporting
Under this Recovery Act program, quarterly financial and programmatic reporting will be required, and will be due within 07 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter, starting July 07, 2009.  The information from grantee reports will be posted on a State and Federal public website. Recovery Act grant recipients may expect that the information posted to these web sites will identify grantees that are delinquent in their reporting.
Programmatic and Financial Reporting Periods   Due Dates
October- December   January 7
January- March   April 7  
April-June   July 7
July-September   October 7 
Formal Correspondence
Certification Letters
Plans and Reports
Project Lists
  • To be posted.
Contracts for all projects receiving ARRA funds
  • No direct contracts are currently planned using these funds.
Graphics/Images/Maps associated with ARRA projects
  • None
Funding Opportunities
  • All local governments in Connecticut are eligible for the CT Local JAG Program. To view the eligibility and allocation list, click this link: CT Local JAG Allocation List
  • Not Applicable.
For more Information Contact:

Chief Accountability Officer - Stimulus Funds


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