This is a beta website for the Office of Policy and Management (OPM). Please visit the current OPM website.

National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) Grant Program


Link to general Grantium (OPM's Grant Management System) Information

Specifically for the NCHIP grant program, the grantee interaction with our grants management system (GMS), Grantium, will be for the purpose of submitting quarterly reporting.  The application itself that was submitted to the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division will be uploaded for the grantee.  All of these submissions will be available through Grantium and will provide a completely paperless, comprehensive record of the entire grant project.


 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
 July 1 through September 30 October 1 through December 31 January 1 through March 31 April 1 through June 30




Each quarter, the submissions due for that period will automatically populate in the submission queue 15 days before the end of the quarter and will be due 15 days after the end of the quarter.

  • At minimum, an Expenditure Report and a Progress Report will be due
  • If there are personnel expenditures, a Time Accountability Report will be due
  • If Equipment has been received during that period, a Property Inventory Report will be required 

The grantee will also submit cash requests for payment based upon their expenditures/financial needs.  These will be vetted by the program manager and will be processed once approved.









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