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Estimates of State Formula Aid to Municipalities (August 2018)


September 19, 2018

The Office of Policy and Management prepares Estimates of State Formula Aid to Municipalities (revised as of September 19, 2018) in order to provide information with respect to certain ongoing state grant programs under which payments to municipalities are determined by statutory formulas.

Prior year adjustments can have a significant impact on the actual revenue grantees receive, especially with respect to education programs. The Department of Education periodically updates data for grant programs it administers. These data are available at

A five year payment history for grants that staff of the Office of Policy and Management administers, including some that this publication does not encompass, is available here (external link).

Municipal grant estimates are available on the Office of Policy and Management’s website, only. The agency no longer prints the booklet entitled Estimates of State Formula Aid to Municipalities.


Michael Izadi

Office of Policy and Management

Budget and Financial Management Division

Telephone: (860) 418-6250
